Soggy doggy solutions...

Does your dog like to take a dip? If there's water nearby it seems our canine friends will find it. Whether that water is a river, stream, the sea... or a muddy puddle, they may come out chilly and very soggy.
Our selection of drying coats and mitts from Ruff & Tumble are the perfect solution. They are soft but also extremely absorbent drying your dog in minutes and will also help remove that 'wet dog' odour from your car too!
Highly durable, the Ruff & Tumble super soft drying coats are ideal for use all year round. Excellent in the colder months for drying and warming, but also great to use as a cooling blanket, dip into cold water and use to cool and revive your dog in the hotter months of the year. The mitts are great for that post dog walk scenario when you have one or multiple, wet and muddy dogs to quickly get clean and dry before they run back over your clean floors!
They are ultra-smart looking too in a choice of colours and are 100% cotton so machine washable and can be tumble dried on a low setting.